Target Audience in Malay
About 10 years ago the clusters were called Mak Long Mat Kool Moden Klasik Si Metro Si Dia and Si Ceria in study by the Omnicom Media Group. Results for target audience translation from English to Malay. Malay Translation Services Malay Language Translation Language Translation Translation Language With 675 of the target audience between 18 and 34 years old. . To the target language. This is often done through a survey that can give vital information and ideas. Target Audience MalayChinese Indian all ages. Property developers need to take a relook at their marketing strategies to target the Malay consumers better said seasoned property investor Ahyat IshakThe only way for the property market to move to the next level is for the Malay market to be fully activated. With accurate numbers on its demography geography revenues and household expenditures this overview of the Malaysian market will provide useful marketing insights...